LexisNexis CLE-Eligible Webinar: A Holistic Approach to Due Diligence and Third-Party Risk Management

171906 CLE Due Diligence (NARS-CC HDR)v2 570

Date: August 6, 2015 

Time: 2 pm – 335 EST

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Many companies have implemented robust due diligence vetting, monitoring and auditing strategies for managing third-party risk.  No due diligence system is foolproof in identifying high-risk business partners or predicting which partners will engage in bribery.  

Join Michael Volkov and Richard Bistrong as they discuss how due diligence systems and monitoring and auditing strategies can be used to identify sophisticated bribery schemes in today’s evolving global economy.

Some of the topics they will address:

  • How to better understand the third-party perspective of due-diligence vetting and the party’s view of anti-bribery laws.
  • Techniques for monitoring business partners who may present moderate risks on paper, but who in reality may be high-risk business partners;
  • How to spot and resolve hidden red flags that may arise in the due-diligence vetting process and during the life of the relationship;
  • How to develop appropriate reporting roles in the organization during the due diligence on-boarding process.
  • Auditing strategies for financial and compliance professionals to apply to a range of business partners as a reliable means to isolate those who present unique risks.

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