Corruption, Crime & Compliance: The Book is Out!

I am happy to announce the release this week of my book  

Corruption, Crime & Compliance!!

 My mentor and friend, Judge Stanley Sporkin, the ‘father of the FCPA,’ wrote the foreword.

“Michael Volkov’s book is a compilation of articles on a number of subjects important to advising clients how to stay out of trouble. He is a prolific writer and I can say without question, we have not heard the last of his musings.”

 Dick Cassin, the owner of the FCPA Blog, wrote about Corruption, Crime and Compliance:

“Michael Volkov, primary author of the blog called Corruption, Crime & Compliance, has published a book by the same name. It collects some of his best writing — which means it’s full of common sense for lawyers and laypersons. Staying calm and practical are what Volkov is all about. (One of his favorite quotes is, “You don’t need a weatherman to know which way the wind blows” — from Bob Dylan’s Subterranean Homesick Blues).”

 The book can be ordered at Amazon:

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