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2013 RAND Corporation Symposium: Culture, Compliance and the C-Suite

randI had the honor of participating in a recent Rand Symposium which was organized by Dr. Michael Greenberg, RAND Corporation, Director, Center for Corporate Ethics and Governance (profile here), and Donna Boehme, Principal, Compliance Strategists LLC (profile here), and brought together a brilliant cross-section of experts, including corporate directors, general counsel, chief compliance officers, and governance and compliance practitioners.

The focus of this year’s RAND symposium was the importance of C-Suite ethics and compliance, the impact of a breakdown in C-Suite compliance, the culture of the C-Suite and how compliance and ethics programs can address the relevant risks to improve C-Suite performance.  It was a fantastic event and a full report will be issued later this year.

To focus our conversation at the event, Stan Soya (profile here), Scott Killingsworth (profile here), and myself prepared white papers on the relevant issues.  If you have a chance, please check out the papers.

—  “C” is for Crucible: Behavioral Ethics, Culture and the Board’s Role in C-Suite Compliance (Scott Killingsworth – May 2013) (HERE)

—  Prosecution of Frauds and Crimes in the C-Suite: What Can We Learn from These Cases and Trends? (Stanley R. Soya – May 2013) (HERE)

—  Compliance in the C-Suite (Michael Volkov – May 2013) (HERE)


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