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Where the Action Is: The SCCE Annual Meeting

scceIf anyone wants proof that the compliance profession is on the rise, if anyone still doubts that the young professional of compliance is rapidly growing, all you have to do is attend an annual meeting of the Society of Corporate Compliance and Ethics (“SCCE”).

I had the honor of attending and speaking the recent SCCE meeting in Chicago. What an amazing event. The energy and attendance increases each year. This year was no exception.

A record attendance of 1500 compliance professionals descended on Chicago; FBI Director Jim Comey was the prime speaker, and the agenda was jam-packed with interesting sessions and speakers.scce3

One of the highlights was seeing Donna Boehme, who I have described as the chief compliance officer’s best friend. She was given an award in recognition of her commitment and advocacy on behalf of the compliance profession. She is a gem of a person and a force in the compliance arena. Her award was well deserved.

Twenty years ago, the compliance profession was just beginning to sprout. Today, the profession has rapidly transformed and more change is certain to come.

I am always struck by the passion and collaborative spirit among compliance officers. The profession is committed to expanding, learning and taking on new challenges. Unlike many other insular professions, compliance officers support one another, freely share ideas, samples of programs, policies and other methods that have been tried in their companies.

scce2Compliance professionals are hungry for best practices, new approaches and advice on how to balance what can seem like an infinite number of risks. They are their own best advocates and are committed to educating each other, as well as their boards and senior managers.

The compliance profession is poised for incredible growth and challenges in the governance landscape. The SCCE reflects this opportunity, and the annual meeting (along with regional meetings) will continue to support and promote the compliance profession.

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