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Broadcat: A New and Innovative Tool to Promote the Compliance Message

Image for MV-2_FotorRicardo Pellafone, a long-time compliance professional, has created a new and exciting company — Broadcat (link here) — to provide new and innovative products to promote the compliance message.  I asked Ricardo to contribute a post on his new venture.

What’s the best kind of compliance information?

The kind your executives and board of directors will listen to.

As an in-house practitioner, your wheelhouse is practical application. If you can’t explain something to your internal clients in a way that translates into action, then it’s academic.

And there’s nothing wrong with that—as long as you know that’s what you’re getting into. You certainly need to be taking in a baseline level of news and information that won’t translate to your business clients, after all.

But too often, you get information that you want to translate into a way your clients will pay attention to . . . if only you had the time. The reality is that it takes a long time to distill things down into a format that business leaders will read, and so you need to take a strategic eye towards spending your time on the pieces of information that will drive the most impact.

To help you out, here’s one core piece of information that’s worth it: the metrics the DOJ uses to evaluate compliance programs. The metrics come from a speech Leslie Caldwell gave late last year when introducing the new DOJ compliance expert—and although the content in that speech can go a long way in helping your business-side folks to understand your remit, it’s also safe to say that your business-side folks will never read the speech themselves.

So to bridge that gap, you can get a highly-distilled, visualized version of this speech at this link here—for free. It’s been made by Broadcat, a company that simplifies compliance concepts for executives and employees. When you go to the link, you’ll also see how to grab a free powerpoint version of the content that you can present to your executives and directors.

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