Congrats to the New International Association of Independent Corporate Monitors

I was pleased to join a new, and much-needed organization, the International Association of Independent Corporate Monitors (“IAICM” website located here). Congratulations to John Hanson and his colleagues for creating IAICM. John has been active in this area for a long time and is the natural leader of the organization.

We all know about the use of corporate monitors in high profile cases involving money laundering, sanctions violations and FCPA enforcement actions. However, there is an active corporate monitoring function used in agency enforcement actions where corporate monitors play an important role in safeguarding against misconduct and improving corporate governance and compliance programs involving government contractors and other regulatory areas.

IAICM is dedicated to increasing awareness, improving performance, and adopting professional standards for independent corporate monitors. IAICM also is way for professionals to share best practices and increase opportunities for individuals who wish to serve as a monitor.

Congratulations again to John and his team of talented leaders and professionals. We are grateful for their commitment and efforts in this important area.

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1 Response

  1. April 24, 2017

    […] Read Full Article: Congrats to the New International Association of Independent Corporate Monitors – Corruption, … […]