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Thomson Reuters Webinar: Top 3 Areas for Anti-Corruption Compliance

Webinar: Top 3 Areas for Anti-Corruption Compliance

April 11, 2019, 2 PM EST


As corruption risks increase, are you aware of the top 3 focus areas for compliance?

Thomson Reuters is pleased to offer a webinar conducted by Julie DiMauro, Regulatory Intelligence Expert, and Michael Volkov, CEO at The Volkov Group focused on the top-3 issues for anti-corruption compliance.

Global anti-corruption risks are increasing rapidly as prosecutors and law enforcement coordinate and share information to jointly investigate and prosecute global companies. Companies continue to wrestle with third-party risks and implementing effective strategies for mitigating such risks.  

Legal, compliance, and finance staff operate on the frontlines seeking to implement effective compliance programs, while ensuring they do not face liability personally for their actions or inactions.  In the face of company pressure to secure and retain business, these gatekeepers need appropriate authority and support from top management, plus effective training solutions, to rein in evolving bribery and misconduct risks. 

About the Speakers

Julie DiMauro, Regulatory Intelligence Expert at Thomson Reuters

Julie is a regulatory intelligence expert at Thomson Reuters in New York. Before joining the Thomson Reuters Regulatory Intelligence team, she served as the executive editor of the FCPA Blog, managing editor at the real estate and healthcare compliance publishing firm, Vendome Group, and as a legal product manager at Fidelity Investments.

Michael Volkov, The Volkov Law Group

Michael has over 35 years of experience in practicing law.  A former federal prosecutor and veteran white collar defense attorney, he has expertise in areas of ethics and compliance, internal investigations and enforcement matters. 

The Volkov Law Group is a recognized leader in the ethics and compliance field.  As a former federal prosecutor and Justice Department official, Michael Volkov has extensive experience with best practices, government expectations, and industry standards for ethics and compliance programs.  

Michael Volkov maintains a highly popular FCPA blog – Corruption, Crime & Compliance. He is a regular speaker at events around the globe, and is frequently cited in the media for his knowledge on criminal issues, enforcement matters, ethics and compliance and corporate governance.

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