Category: General

Risk Lessons from the Pandemic Warfront

Risk Lessons from the Pandemic Warfront

Donna Boehme, Principal at Compliance Strategist, joins us for a blog posting on risk and leadership lessons from the pandemic. Donna’s profile is here and she can be reached at [email protected]. I look forward to all the books to be written about the crisis we are living through, especially with all the many high-profile lessons in #EthicalLeadership, #Trust and #CrisisManagement that are emerging daily, but...

Videoconferencing and Export Controls

Videoconferencing and Export Controls

Janet Longo, Regulatory Compliance Analyst at The Volkov Law Group, joins us for a posting on videoconferencing and compliance export controls. Janet can be reached at [email protected]. As the Covid-19 virus is proliferating, so is the practice of conducting business through videoconferencing from home. While many commentators have discussed the serious data privacy and security problems associated with video conferencing, we’ve been thinking about the...

COVID-19:  DOJ’s Aggressive Prosecution of Fraud and Pandemic-Related Crimes

COVID-19: DOJ’s Aggressive Prosecution of Fraud and Pandemic-Related Crimes

The Justice Department and the FBI have acted to focus on fraudsters who are preying on the public panic in response to the pandemic.  The Justice Department has alerted US Attorneys’ Offices, and federal, state and local law enforcement of many of the common fraud schemes.  DOJ already has prosecuted individuals and businesses selling fake cures for COVID-19 online and other forms of fraud.  In...

A Personal Tribute to Judge Stanley Sporkin: The Fern Street Crew Gang Prosecution (Part II of II)

A Personal Tribute to Judge Stanley Sporkin: The Fern Street Crew Gang Prosecution (Part II of II)

My relationship with Judge Sporkin started in the 1990s when I served as an Assistant U.S. Attorney in the District of Columbia.  I prosecuted a number of criminal cases before Judge Sporkin. In 1996, my colleague, Jim Dinan, and I prosecuted a RICO and Continuing Criminal Enterprise gang case against the “Fern Street Crew,” before Judge Sporkin.  The case involved five defendants who were charged...

A Personal Tribute to Judge Stanley Sporkin (Part I of II)

Judge Stanley Sporkin was a mentor, a professional colleague and a friend.  I admired Judge Sporkin, respected his commitment to integrity and valued our professional collaboration and personal friendship. Judge Stanley Sporkin died on March 23, 2020.  He was 88 years old.  I am compelled to write about my friend.  I will miss him. Judge Sporkin’s reputation for fairness and integrity was beyond reproach.  His...

Virginia Suveiu and Janet Longo Join Volkov Law Group

Virginia Suveiu and Janet Longo Join Volkov Law Group

The Volkov Law Group is proud to announce the addition of two talented professionals to our firm. Virginia Suveiu has joined as Of Counsel.  Virginia counsels on ethics and compliance, regulatory compliance and commercial law matters. She is currently editing a handbook on Risk Management and the Law for Routledge. Virginia is a mediator and arbitrator, including for the International Chamber of Commerce, the Orange...

IRS’ Response to COVID-19: What Taxpayers Need to Know

IRS’ Response to COVID-19: What Taxpayers Need to Know

Dawn Delia, a tax practitioner, joins us today for a helpful posting on IRS tax requirements during the COVID-19 crisis. Dawn can be reached at [email protected]. Her blog is located at Postponed Tax Deadlines for 2020 in Response to the Coronavirus One of the most recent developments was the announcement from the U.S. Department of the Treasury that the deadline for filing tax returns and submitting...

Steele Webinar: Top 6 Due Diligence Best Practices Third-Party Risk Management

Steele Webinar: Top 6 Due Diligence Best Practices Third-Party Risk Management

Steele Webinar: Top 6 Due Diligence Best Practices Third-Party Risk Management April 16, 2020, 11 AM EST Sign Up HERE Faced with complex, global third-party networks, it’s more critical than ever for companies to have an effective strategy for evaluating and monitoring third-party risk. Without continuous monitoring and a strong anti-bribery anti-corruption (ABAC) program, companies can find themselves the target of multiple enforcement actions for...

DOJ Hoarding and Price Gouging Task Force Seizes Critical Medical Supplies and Distributes to New York and New Jersey Hospitals

DOJ Hoarding and Price Gouging Task Force Seizes Critical Medical Supplies and Distributes to New York and New Jersey Hospitals

The Justice Department and the FBI have quickly acted to focus on fraudsters and hoarders seeking to profit from the public panic in response to the pandemic.  DOJ issued a memo to U.S. Attorneys prioritizing investigations and prosecutions in this area.  (Here). To combat hoarding and price gouging for critical supplies, the President issued an executive order (Here) which prohibits hoarding and price gouging of...

COVID-19: Supply Chain Risks Lessons

Companies are struggling.  Many have shut down.  Some are surviving from a remote workforce.  Some critical businesses – healthcare providers, food, pharmacies and essential services (e.g. utilities) – are continuing to operate.  Employers have given large numbers of raises and have to adapt to a new marketplace with COVID-19 risks and regulatory requirements.  Certain businesses are hiring large numbers of employees – Amazon, drug stores...