Category: General

Promoting Your Culture: Communications and Measurement

Promoting Your Culture: Communications and Measurement

As everyone knows, I am an advocate for promoting and maintaining a company’s culture of ethics and compliance (not compliance and ethics). The best investment a company can make is to create and maintain a positive commitment to an ethical culture. I often repeat myself (just ask my wife and kids), but a culture of ethics is far more important than well-designed and effective policies...

DOJ’s Warning to High-Tech Companies: SAP Official Pleads Guilty To FCPA Violation

DOJ’s Warning to High-Tech Companies: SAP Official Pleads Guilty To FCPA Violation

When DOJ acts, they like to make a splash. While the FCPA Paparazzi have been lamenting the “slow down” in FCPA enforcement actions and the increase in case closings, DOJ still makes its mark when it acts, and I expect more DOJ actions in the last quarter of 2015. DOJ’s latest salvo was the criminal plea of a former SAP official, a US citizen, for...

SEC Unveils First FCPA Enforcement Action Focused On Hiring Practices: BNY Mellon

SEC Unveils First FCPA Enforcement Action Focused On Hiring Practices: BNY Mellon

The SEC is having a good year in the FCPA enforcement arena. As a former prosecutor, my eyes would sometimes glaze over when discussing civil enforcement actions. The SEC, however, has turned its FCPA enforcement program into a productive and important component of its overall mission. BNY Mellon agreed to pay $14.8 million for the hiring of three interns in order to curry favor with...

SEC Promotes Value of Cooperating Witnesses

SEC Promotes Value of Cooperating Witnesses

Change does not occur overnight. The SEC, as much as any other government agency, has touted its hiring of former prosecutors and use of aggressive investigation tactics. I always took those statements with a grain of salt – after all, the SEC is enforcing civil laws and regulations. A prosecutor can only do so much in the civil enforcement arena. In a recent Wall Street...

The Danger of Compliance Overkill

The Danger of Compliance Overkill

Government prosecutors spend time promoting enforcement programs and encouraging companies to design and implement effective ethics and compliance programs. The blogosphere is filled with articles, surveys, studies, warnings, and marketing efforts all directed to encourage companies to increase compliance programs and resources. Companies have responded by increasing attention and resources to ethics and compliance programs. In particular, regulated industries are spending vast sums to enhance,...

Meaningful Measurement of the Effectiveness of an Ethics and Compliance Program

Meaningful Measurement of the Effectiveness of an Ethics and Compliance Program

Talk is cheap, especially when it comes to ethics and compliance programs. Words are easy but action and commitment are even harder. The compliance industry needs to put more meat on the bones of compliance. It is not enough to rely on subjective standards for determining whether an ethics and compliance program is effective. Compliance professionals need to design meaningful measurements and standards for ethics...

You Cannot Buy an Ethical Corporate Culture

You Cannot Buy an Ethical Corporate Culture

I do not mean to be facetious or snarky, but I am concerned about organizations that sell or promote their ability to certify or give a seal of approval to a company as an “ethical” company.  Even more troubling (or perhaps misleading) is the certification: “world’s most ethical companies.” With the growth of ethics and compliance, you can expect that charlatans, greedy snake oil sales...

The 5 Most Common AML Compliance Program Deficiencies

The 5 Most Common AML Compliance Program Deficiencies

Anti-money laundering compliance is a very difficult task. The number of risks is exponential. AML compliance officers have an innovative and rich history of compliance techniques and strategies. In the end, AML compliance depends on: accurate and comprehensive risk assessments; pre-screening of customers through appropriate KYC programs; and audit and monitoring of transaction and customer activity. Despite the commitment and dedication of AML compliance professionals,...

Supreme Court Called Upon to Review the Newman Case and Address Insider Trading Liability

Supreme Court Called Upon to Review the Newman Case and Address Insider Trading Liability

The Supreme Court is very likely to enter into the fray over the Second Circuit’s controversial Newman decision concerning insider-trading liability. The government has filed a petition for certiorari, and the stakes are high. Insider trading liability for unauthorized disclosures to tip recipients (‘tipees”) flows from the common sense notion that an insider cannot engage, directly or indirectly, in insider trading by personally benefitting from...

Why is it So ($&#%*!) to Hard to Hire People in Compliance?

Why is it So ($&#%*!) to Hard to Hire People in Compliance?

Maurice Gilbert, head of Conselium Executive Search (here), the leading  executive search firm for compliance professionals, has written a fascinating piece on the difficulty in hiring compliance professionals.   He was gracious enough to allow me to reprint it for CCC blog readers.  Maurice maintains the highly popular blog, Corporate Compliance Insights (here), and can be reached at [email protected]. As managing partner of an executive search...