Category: General

A Neglected Compliance Task: Program Assessments

A Neglected Compliance Task: Program Assessments

The secret of life is honesty and fair dealing. If you can fake that, you’ve got it made. – Groucho Marx Sometimes compliance practitioners miss the forest from the trees. They can get lost in the details of their compliance programs, focusing on less significant details and ignoring more important tasks. The FCPA Guidance, issued by the Justice Department and the SEC in November 2012,...

Lions and Tigers and Bears – Certifications, Checklists and Standards

Lions and Tigers and Bears – Certifications, Checklists and Standards

The compliance profession continues to rise in importance. Companies are paying more attention to corporate culture and devoting resources to enhance existing compliance operations. This approach is reinforced with each week as new enforcement actions are announced. Just like every other success story, the rise of compliance brings out dangerous “innovations,” which are promoted as the magic solution to compliance technology needs.  Compliance professionals have...

Beneficial Ownership and AML, Sanctions and Anti-Corruption Compliance

Beneficial Ownership and AML, Sanctions and Anti-Corruption Compliance

Sometimes compliance realities outpace enforcement and regulatory requirements. When it comes to FinCEN’s proposal to implement a beneficial ownership rule for financial institutions (see Here), global financial institutions do not need to worry about the outcome of the FinCEN regulations. Global financial institutions already have to know their (your) customer because of compliance obligations with sanctions and anti-corruption laws. In the anti-corruption context, a financial...

The Two Ps of Compliance: Promote and Protect

The Two Ps of Compliance: Promote and Protect

I often complain about compliance messaging. Compliance officers have to be careful to avoid becoming viewed as “nattering nabobs of negativism,” as former Vice President Spiro Agnew famously stated about the liberal media. Instead, compliance officers have to unite under the umbrella of positivism, and rely on a two-prong message — promote and protect. An effective ethics and compliance program promotes the positive aspects of...

Dancing on a Wire: Audit Committee Oversight of a Company’s Compliance Program

Dancing on a Wire: Audit Committee Oversight of a Company’s Compliance Program

There are many interdependent pieces of a compliance program; if one function fails, the effectiveness of a compliance program can be seriously threatened. The audit/compliance committee has a critical role – it has responsibility for monitoring and supervision of a compliance program. Specifically the audit/compliance committee frequently initiates and establishes a company’s compliance tone. If the issue is important to the audit/compliance committee, compliance will...

Mike Volkov and Tom Fox Podcast on Internal Controls

Mike Volkov and Tom Fox Podcast on Internal Controls

I was honored to appear on Tom Fox’s regular podcast series.  Tom and I discussed the trend in internal controls enforcement, following the series of postings I wrote (here, here, here and here). Here is the link to our Podcast — Here.  

What to Do When The CEO Vanishes?

What to Do When The CEO Vanishes?

How do you establish tone at the top when the CEO really does not care? What if the Chief Compliance Officer cannot get the CEO’s attention? CCOs face real challenges when the CCO does not have his or her star actor or actress to promote the company’s ethical culture. If you can imagine filming The Godfather without Marlon Brando, then you can imagine what a...

The Empowerment of the CCO: Old Ways Die Hard

The Empowerment of the CCO: Old Ways Die Hard

“Why not go out on a limb? That’s where the fruit is.”  — Will Rogers ” Change is the law of life and those who look only to the past or present are certain to miss the future.”  — John F. Kennedy The compliance profession continues to evolve and grow.  More lawyers and law students are seeking knowledge and training in the field of ethics...

The Importance of Conflicts of Interest Compliance

The Importance of Conflicts of Interest Compliance

Character and personal force are the only investments that are worth anything. – Walt Whitman A company’s character includes avoiding the appearance of, or actual, conflicts of interest. Compliance professionals need to pay more attention to conflicts of interest. In some instances, companies have not even adopted conflict of interest compliance policies.  Some companies have a mere mention of the principle in their code of...

The Value of a Vigilant Internal Audit Program

The Value of a Vigilant Internal Audit Program

I hate to write a negative column. It is contrary to my nature and perspective. It is easy to complain. It is far more difficult to come up with practical solutions. We all know colleagues who love to complain but do nothing about the problems they complain about. Eventually, a complainer loses value in an organization and they end up having little influence. Having said...