Featured Articles:

Too Big to be Accountable: The Big Case Dilemma

Too Big to be Accountable: The Big Case Dilemma

Over the last twenty year (yes, 20 years), the Justice Department’s civil and criminal enforcement record has come under greater scrutiny.  Whether you call it “Too Big To Jail” or “Too Big to Fail,” questions continue to rise on whether “big” companies are fairly investigated and prosecuted.  On the “Too Big to Fail” scale. DOJ and criminal justice commentators point to the Arthur Andersen criminal...

OFAC Screening and Internal Controls

OFAC Screening and Internal Controls

Companies have had over one year to review and implement a sanctions compliance guidance program.  This last year, however, has been difficult (to say the least) given the COVID-19 pandemic.  Companies have had unusual challenges.  OFAC recognized the impact of COVID-19 when it issued guidance in April 2020 recognizing that companies faced challenging times and may have reallocated resources to meet pandemic needs. Prior to...

Episode 170 — The Beam Suntory FCPA Settlement

Episode 170 — The Beam Suntory FCPA Settlement

Beam Suntory, a global producer and distributor of distilled beverages, settled its FCPA case with DOJ for $19.5 million for bribes paid in India. The DOJ settlement follows an SEC FCPA settlement for $8 million announced on July 2, 2018.  The timing of the FCPA settlements is unusual and suggests that DOJ’s resolution involved unique issues relating to Beam Suntory’s cooperation.  In this Episode, Michael Volkov...

Analysis of DOJ’s Antitrust Case Against Google (Part III of III)

Analysis of DOJ’s Antitrust Case Against Google (Part III of III)

DOJ’s antitrust case against Google presents several interesting and difficult issues.  Google dominates the search engine market.  No one can question that.  But the question will eventually boil down to whether Google’s conduct, as a monopolist, resulted in consumer harm. Section 2 monopolization cases require more proof than whether a specific company has a monopoly.  The question boils down to whether Google engaged in exclusionary...

Webinar: Antitrust Enforcement and Compliance Trends

Webinar: Antitrust Enforcement and Compliance Trends December 1, 2020 12 Noon EST Sign up HERE The Justice Department Antitrust Division’s criminal enforcement program has been gaining steam. DOJ has focused on the generic pharmaceutical industry, chicken processing, Florida-based oncology treatment and recently launched its procurement collusion task force. For many global companies, criminal antitrust enforcement is a significant risk. It is important that global companies...

DOJ’s Monopolization Claims Against Google (Part II of III)

DOJ’s Monopolization Claims Against Google (Part II of III)

The Justice Department’s landmark monopolization case against Google is interesting.  The case represents yet another attempt to apply well-established antitrust principles in a rapidly-changing, dynamic technology market. The government has a good record in monopolization cases in the high-tech sector.  Its case against Microsoft was hard fought and established several important principles to high-tech monopolists.  Google’s Monopoly Google controls approximately 90 percent of the United...

Justice Department Files Antitrust Case Against Google Claiming Monopolization of the Search and Search Advertising Markets (Part I of III)

Justice Department Files Antitrust Case Against Google Claiming Monopolization of the Search and Search Advertising Markets (Part I of III)

The Department of Justice and eleven state Attorneys General filed an antitrust case against Google in the United States Court for the District of Columbia.  DOJ’s filing was hurried at the behest of the Attorney General Bill Barr, and reflects DOJ’s growing focus on high-tech businesses and monopolization conduct.  DOJ’s case joins a long list of high-profile monopolization cases, including Microsoft, AT&T and IBM.  DOJ’s...

FinCEN Issues Human Trafficking Advisory (Part II of II)

FinCEN Issues Human Trafficking Advisory (Part II of II)

Elizabeth Slim, Senior Consultant at The Volkov Law Group, joins us for part II of her postings on the problem of human trafficking and recent guidance issued by FinCEN.  Elizabeth can be reached at [email protected]. Human traffickers, like all criminals, rely on the international financial system to facilitate their crimes and to disguise proceeds from their illegal activities.  Traffickers open bank accounts to deposit and...

The Scourge of Human Trafficking and Financial Red Flags (Part I of II)

The Scourge of Human Trafficking and Financial Red Flags (Part I of II)

Elizabeth Slim, Senior Consultant at The Volkov Law Group, joins us for a two-part posting on the problem of human trafficking and recent guidance issued by FinCEN.  Elizabeth can be reached at [email protected]. Human trafficking has become one of the most profitable forms of international crime.  At an estimated $150 billion worldwide per year, it ranks third to drug trafficking and counterfeit goods.  There are...

Episode 169 — DOJ Files Antitrust Case Against Google

Episode 169 — DOJ Files Antitrust Case Against Google

The Department of Justice and eleven state Attorneys General filed an antitrust case against Google in the United States Court for the District of Columbia.  DOJ’s filing was hurried at the behest of the Attorney General Bill Barr, and reflects DOJ’s growing focus on high-tech businesses and monopolization conduct.  DOJ’s case joins a long list of high-profile monopolization cases, including Microsoft, AT&T and IBM.  DOJ’s...