Featured Articles:

Teaching the Board How to Oversee and Monitor the Compliance Function

I have never let my schooling interfere with my education – Mark Twain (unverified). Everything has its limit–iron ore cannot be educated into gold. – Mark Twain (verified) Board members believe they know what they need to know. That is why they were asked to serve on the board. Unfortunately, like many issues today, confidence does not mean competency. Corporate boards are increasing their focus...

Trust and Integrity: The Value of a Company’s Reputation

Warren Buffet, the Oracle of Omaha, understands the importance of corporate culture and adhering to a code of ethics. He has been quoted: Lose money and I will forgive you. Lose even a shred of reputation and I will be ruthless. …… Wealth can always be recreated, but reputation takes a lifetime to build and often only a moment to destroy. Buffet’s implicit message is unmistakable – culture, reputation and...

Webinar: CCOs and the Board of Directors: Establishing an Effective Relationship

Webinar: CCOs and the Board of Directors: Establishing an Effective Relationship May 24, 2016 12 PM EST Register Here Chief Compliance Officers have to establish a positive and productive working relationship with the corporate board of directors. An effective reporting relationship is essential to ensuring an effective ethics and compliance program.  CCOs have to attend to this relationship, learn how to use it effectively, and...

The Legacy of Michigan Senator Levin and Offshore Taxation Issues

When Senator Levin, the Democrat from Michigan, announced his retirement from the Senate in 2014, you could hear a collective sigh of relief from the corporate business community. Senator Levin had dedicated himself to investigating our tax system and how corporations were able to avoid taxes through offshore accounts. With the recent release of the Panama Papers, Senator Levin would have found even more evidence...

Getting Back to Basics: CCOs and Independence

Chief compliance officers continue to enjoy these heady days – salaries are up and new opportunities are popping up in the corporate world. CCOs have to keep their eye on the ball. It is well and good to get a good salary, a nice office, and a title, but there is an important requirement that cannot be overlooked – independence. The trend over the last...

Fixing a Sour Corporate Culture: Valeant Pharmaceuticals Faces an Uphill Challenge

Like the Greek mythology character Sisyphus, Valeant Pharmaceutical is attempting to atone for its sins and turn its corporate culture around. I am not usually a cynic but when I see these transparent attempts to reverse a company’s culture, I have a degree of suspicion. In recent weeks, Valeant took the following steps: Hired a new CEO Joseph Papa Removed five directors from its board...

Panama Papers: Prosecutors Launch Investigations

When a scandal hits the media like the Panama Papers leak of 11.5 million confidential legal records, we all know what to expect. Criminal investigations, regulatory responses, and of course, congressional hearings of some sort so that everyone gets a piece of the scandal pie. The International Consortium of Investigative Journalists (“ICIJ”) reported the leak of 11.5 million confidential legal records designed to expose shell...

New Job: Compliance Manager (Columbus, Ohio, metro area)

Job: Compliance Manager (Columbus, Ohio, metro area) A leading industrial growth company that delivers a comprehensive set of products for use in the construction and infrastructure sectors is seeking a Compliance Manager to oversee the day-to-day operation of its compliance program and internal controls procedures.  This position is suited for a self-motivated individual seeking to help structure and manage a program from the ground up. ...

Private Equity and the Och-Ziff Enforcement Action

Since 2010, the Justice Department and the SEC have been “investigating” a number of private equity and hedge funds for FCPA violations. The launch of the inquiries was a big deal with lots of fanfare and focus on private equity corruption risks. In time, nothing happened. Well, that is about to change. DOJ and the SEC are getting close to announcing a large settlement with...

Revisiting FinCEN’s Proposed Regulations on Beneficial Ownership

You don’t need a weatherman to know which way the wind blows. – Bob Dylan, Subterranean Homesick Blues Political winds are important for a number of reasons. When working in the government, you have to seize the political opportunities to advance practical proposals. When it comes to requiring banks and financial institutions to collect beneficial ownership information from account holders and customers, the Panama Papers...