Tagged: AAG Kenneth Polite

Criminal Division AAG Polite Reinforces New DOJ Corporate Enforcement Policy (Part IV of IV)

The Justice Department is putting every business on notice — aggressive white collar criminal enforcement is here to stay. In a one-two punch, Deputy Attorney General Lisa Monaco announced a revised Corporate Enforcement Policy, and Criminal Division Assistant Attorney General Kenneth Polite followed up with a speech outlining the steps the Criminal Division intends to take to implement the new Corporate Enforcement Policy, including important...

DOJ Criminal Division AAG Underscores Role of CCOs and Announces CCO Certification Requirements

DOJ Criminal Division AAG Underscores Role of CCOs and Announces CCO Certification Requirements

In a homecoming speech, DOJ’s Assistant Attorney General Kenneth Polite gave a rousing speech to a room full of compliance professionals at the annual Compliance Week meeting in Washington, D.C.  AAG Polite, who has served as a CCO himself, embraced the mission of compliance officers as a critical part of corporate governance systems. AAG Polite specifically recognized the importance of the compliance functions and the...