Tagged: adequate compliance resources

Maintaining Your Company’s Compliance Program  in the Rapid Policy World of Change by Tweet

Maintaining Your Company’s Compliance Program in the Rapid Policy World of Change by Tweet

Traditionally, businesses were able to prepare for changes in laws and regulations in advance by monitoring legislative and regulatory actions in Washington, D.C. and relevant state capitols.  Agencies would initiate rulemakings and give notice to interested parties of new or changed rules. Congress would consider legislation and it would be subject to some kind of “regular order” or process.   In the “good old days,” businesses...

CCOs and Resources: Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is!

CCOs and Resources: Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is!

The compliance profession is enjoying its moment of triumph. Chief compliance officers are earning substantial salaries and rewarded with high-level positions in the C-Suite and significant influence. CCOs are the hot commodities in the in the corporate governance world. It is an intoxicating time for compliance professionals. In this environment, CCOs have to be wary. CEOs and other corporate leaders know how to talk the...