Tagged: antitrust compliance

Webinar: Antitrust Enforcement and Compliance Trends

Webinar: Antitrust Enforcement and Compliance Trends December 1, 2020 12 Noon EST Sign up HERE The Justice Department Antitrust Division’s criminal enforcement program has been gaining steam. DOJ has focused on the generic pharmaceutical industry, chicken processing, Florida-based oncology treatment and recently launched its procurement collusion task force. For many global companies, criminal antitrust enforcement is a significant risk. It is important that global companies...

Webinar Reminder — Global Antitrust Enforcement Risks and Compliance

Webinar Reminder — Global Antitrust Enforcement Risks and Compliance

Wednesday, November 29, 2017 12 noon EST Sign Up Here Global antitrust enforcement programs create significant risks for global companies. In the United States, criminal antitrust risks are significant for companies and individual officers and managers. Global companies can suffer fines, reputational damage and related collateral litigation. Compounding these risks is the mature international antitrust enforcement programs that increase financial and reputational risks. Global antitrust...

Global Antitrust Enforcement Risks and Compliance Programs

Global Antitrust Enforcement Risks and Compliance Programs

Wednesday, November 29, 2017 12 noon EST Sign Up Here Global antitrust enforcement programs create significant risks for global companies. In the United States, criminal antitrust risks are significant for companies and individual officers and managers. Global companies can suffer fines, reputational damage and related collateral litigation. Compounding these risks is the mature international antitrust enforcement programs that increase financial and reputational risks. Global antitrust...

Focusing Antitrust Compliance Programs on the Real Criminal Risks (Part II of II)

Focusing Antitrust Compliance Programs on the Real Criminal Risks (Part II of II)

As chief compliance officers realize the importance of criminal antitrust compliance, it is important to identify the real risk factors. All too often we get lost in the mumbo-jumbo (a technical term, I know) of compliance, tone-at-the-top, communication, training, and other obvious terms. While I often have suggestions on how to enhance a company’s risk assessment process, antitrust risks require precision and careful cost-benefit analysis....

Getting Your Arms Around Antitrust Compliance (Part II of II)

Getting Your Arms Around Antitrust Compliance (Part II of II)

Anti-corruption compliance programs are the rage now – is that a young person’s expression? Antitrust has been a forgotten stepchild, partly because of DOJ’s unwillingness to credit companies that maintain effective compliance programs. That is not a legitimate excuse since every company should be addressing antitrust compliance as part of an overall compliance program. Antitrust compliance, however, has been around for many years, and usually fell...

The Often Ignored Importance of Antitrust Compliance (Part I of II)

The Often Ignored Importance of Antitrust Compliance (Part I of II)

If you ask any Chief Compliance Officer whether their compliance program includes antitrust laws, they will respond quickly and tell you – “Of course we do.” If you follow up you initial question and ask how do you ensure compliance you will hear a single response – “We conduct training.” When you scratch the surface on antitrust compliance at major companies, you will usually hear...