Tagged: anything of value

Lessons Learned from FCPA Enforcement Against JP Morgan for Sons and Daughters Referral Program

Lessons Learned from FCPA Enforcement Against JP Morgan for Sons and Daughters Referral Program

Last week, the Justice Department and the SEC finally brought to a close the Sons and Daughters or Princelings investigation. Pending investigations against four other companies still remain to be resolved. For months (and even years), we have followed this investigation and its twists and turns. Several years ago, press reports revealed an interesting piece of evidence discovered during the investigation – a spreadsheet kept...

FCPA Compliance: Does “Anything of Value” Really Mean “Anything of Value”?

The FCPA statute is not as vague as some contend. I remember the words of a former FTC Chairperson who told me once – “The Clayton Act is not vague. I just read the law and apply it to the facts.” Not to be too simplistic, I recognize there are legitimate disputes surrounding application of the FCPA to specific situations. As one example, I have...