Tagged: Benchmarking

NAVEX Global’s 2019 Hotline Benchmark Report

NAVEX Global’s 2019 Hotline Benchmark Report

NAVEX Global’s Hotline benchmark report (here) is an excellent annual report which helps companies to understand how well their hotline and incident management system is operating.  The survey is based on over 1 million reports from 2,738 customers.The NAVEX report also is based on all types of reporting avenues, including hotlines and web-based systems. Interestingly, NAVEX noted that overall reporting rates remained consistent with 2016...

The Danger of Benchmarking

As the Bible reminds us, “Beware of false prophets,” or in the compliance context, “Beware of false [measurements].”  Compliance professionals have an obsession with benchmarking their compliance programs.  Why are compliance officers so obsessed with such comparisons? Compliance is a function that, by definition, involves objective and subjective measurements.  In its simplest form, compliance success is measured by the absence of a negative occurrence.  Such...