Tagged: Bernie Madoff

White Collar Criminals and Sending a Message to Deter Misconduct (Part II of III)

White Collar Criminals and Sending a Message to Deter Misconduct (Part II of III)

When Judge Denny Chin sentenced Bernie Madoff, perhaps the most notorious white-collar criminal, Judge Chin imposed a sentence of 150 years, the maximum possible under the law.  Madoff was 71 years old.  His Ponzi scheme resulted in the loss of $64.8 billion. While Judge Chin may have imposed a lesser sentence without altering the fact that Madoff will die while incarcerated, Judge Chin specifically cited...

The State of Mind of a White Collar Criminal

The State of Mind of a White Collar Criminal

As a chief compliance officer, it is important to consider the mindset of a criminal. Not to complete tasks and accomplish your objectives. Instead, it is important to understand the criminal mind, what makes them tick and why they engage in criminal behavior. More specifically, when putting together a compliance program, a CCO should consider why an employee would steal, commit bribery or engage in...