Tagged: blockchain and compliance

Real-World Applications of Blockchain to Compliance (Part II of II)

Real-World Applications of Blockchain to Compliance (Part II of II)

The financial industry has embraced the future of blockchain technology.  And for good reason.  As a regulated industry that is required to provide regulators with large amounts of financial data, blockchain can make that process pain-free. Financial institutions have to collect, organize and deliver large amounts of risk data to federal regulators.  Much of the information has been stored in “older” information technology systems and/or...

The Revolution of Blockchain and Compliance (Part I of II)

The Revolution of Blockchain and Compliance (Part I of II)

I am not one to engage in hyperbole.  But when it comes to blockchain technology and the implications for our economy, this is going to be the real deal.  In the world of ethics and compliance, blockchain has many possible applications that could easily transform compliance capabilities. To show my age, let’s go back into time and remember when we all were buying personal computers...

Episode 50 — Cryptocurrency and Blockchain: Matt Stankiewicz Interview of Jason Davis, CEO of Hoard Invest

Episode 50 — Cryptocurrency and Blockchain: Matt Stankiewicz Interview of Jason Davis, CEO of Hoard Invest

  Investing in cryptocurrency is fraught with challenges and inefficiencies. Jason Davis is seeking to solve these problems with Hoard Invest – with a mission to empower anyone, anywhere in the world to hold, track, transfer, and transact with any tokenized asset from their mobile device, privately & instantly. The task in doing so is nothing short of monumental, especially considering the regulatory ambiguity around the industry....

Cryptocurrencies, Blockchain and Ponzi Schemes

Cryptocurrencies, Blockchain and Ponzi Schemes

When you read and learn about cryptocurrencies (e.g. Bitcoin, Ripple, Ethereum), there are some commentators, politicians and others who characterize cryptocurrencies as a “Ponzi” scheme.  Some countries have banned cryptocurrencies.  The issue of cryptocurrencies, like many other issues, is nuanced, and not so dogmatic.  As I like to say, there are benefits and there are risks.  Let’s address a number of the risks and lay...

Compliance and Technology – Rational Actors Need to Adopt Technology

Compliance and Technology – Rational Actors Need to Adopt Technology

I always enjoyed the assumption underlying economic models – assuming people are rational actors, then . . . Sometime people do not act rationally, and sometimes people react out of fear or make unrealistic assumptions. The compliance profession faces many challenges including unrealistic or unfounded assumptions. In many cases, compliance professionals have to reassure their constituencies about the specific implications of a compliance function, initiative...

Blockchain and the Future of Compliance

Blockchain and the Future of Compliance

At a recent conference of the high-tech industry, an IBM representative provided a fascinating presentation on blockchain technology and the application to compliance programs. It was a fascinating presentation. Maybe I cam coming to the party relatively late, but blockchain technology, as it gain acceptance in the marketplace, could have a real significant impact on compliance functions. Aside from compliance applications, blockchain could have significant...