Tagged: bribery

Berger FCPA Settlement: Back to the Future

The recent Louis Berger International FCPA settlement highlighted once again the serious consequences from systemic bribery violations, the ease with which bribery schemes can be carried out, and the risks facing all global companies, especially those involved in high-risk industries like construction projects. Berger agreed to pay $17 million to settle the case and agreed to a three-year corporate monitor. Interestingly, at the same time...

Private Equity’s Corruption Risk Underbelly — Portfolio Companies

FCPA enforcement will likely take a turn into the private equity industry. I know this is a regular claim by FCPA practitioners but we already can see the beginning of the trend. The “princeling” investigations are ongoing and the industry is fighting back, claiming that internships awarded to family members of foreign officials were not given with corrupt intent or were not of any value...

New E-Book: The Art of the Internal Investigation

I am pleased to announce the release of my new e-book — The Art of the Internal Investigation — by Corporate Compliance Insights.  To download a free copy, please visit here. Conducting an internal investigation in today’s risky enforcement environment requires numerous — if not continuous — judgement calls.  Stakes are high, and answers are never black-and-white. In this free eBook, Michael Volkov wields his...

Volkov Law TV — Announces New Subscription Options and Pricing for On-Demand Webinars

Volkov Law TV announces new subscription options and pricing for on-demand Webinars.  We know our scheduled webinars do not always fit your busy schedule: Learn What You Want, When You Want It!  Volkov Law TV Here We now offer pricing for individual webinars and have reduced our subscription fees. In addition, we offer Flexible Enterprise Rates for companies and organizations if needed. Individual Webinars are...

Webinar: Managing Private Equity Corruption Risks

Date: Tuesday, August 11, 2015 Time: 12 Noon EST Sign Up Here Justice Department and SEC prosecutors are devoting greater attention to private equity FCPA enforcement. This coincides with increased SEC regulation and examination of the private equity industry. Private equity companies face significant corruption risks in global markets. From sovereign wealth funds to portfolio companies, private equity compliance officers have to design and implement...

LexisNexis CLE-Eligible Webinar: A Holistic Approach to Due Diligence and Third-Party Risk Management

Date: August 6, 2015  Time: 2 pm – 335 EST Sign Up Here Many companies have implemented robust due diligence vetting, monitoring and auditing strategies for managing third-party risk.  No due diligence system is foolproof in identifying high-risk business partners or predicting which partners will engage in bribery.   Join Michael Volkov and Richard Bistrong as they discuss how due diligence systems and monitoring and...

Refining a CCO’s Reporting Relationship to a Corporate Board

You can observe a lot by just watching – Yogi Berra There is way too much time being spent on esoteric arguments about corporate board reporting responsibilities for Chief Compliance Officers. Let’s agree and move on to more important and difficult issues. I hate to be dogmatic but when it comes to this issue, there really is one obvious solution. Varying alternatives are less than...

Scrutinizing Third-Party Payments

It is often hard to convince people that receiving money can be a problem. Everyone likes to receive money, especially when they are being paid for something they did. In the area of compliance priorities, companies do not normally treat third-party payments as a high-risk activity. However, with increasing focus on illicit proceeds and tightening of AML/Terrorist Financing requirements, companies have to focus on this issue....

The Important Distinction Between Legal and Business Ethics

We all know the jokes about lawyers – I have to repeat just one of them:  Q.  Why won’t sharks eat lawyers? A. Professional courtesy. The Chief Legal Officer is a vital player in a corporate compliance program. There is no question about this issue. However, lawyers can get a little defensive and insecure (no, really?) when they are not the center of attention, or viewed...

Update on Petrobas Scandal – Recent Arrests of Construction Company Executives

The sprawling Petrobas corruption scandal continues to grow and stretch across Brazil’s political and economic landscape. Prosecutors handling the case continue to reach new targets and arrest more individuals who profited from the corruption schemes. For global companies that conducted business with Petrobas, there are real enforcement risks as investigators uncover bribery activity. Recently, it was reported that Brazil prosecutors referred four companies to US...