Tagged: Capital One data breach

Episode 108 — The Capital One Data Breach and Cybersecurity Vendor Risks

Episode 108 — The Capital One Data Breach and Cybersecurity Vendor Risks

Capital One suffered a serious data breach as a result of the actions of one individual who downloaded nearly 30 GB of 100 million Capital One Financial Corporation credit applications from an Amazon cloud data server. The Capital One data breach underscores the risk of cyber breaches caused by a single bad actor who gained unauthorized access through Amazon’s could data server. This unfortunate data breach demonstrates...

Lessons Learned from the Capital One Data Breach (Part I of III)

Lessons Learned from the Capital One Data Breach (Part I of III)

Deepak Chopra, one of  my favorite “thinkers” (if that is a word) reminds us that there is no such thing as a coincidence – there is what he terms a “synchronicity of the universe.”  (See here and here for some additional explanation). Not to say, I told you so, but around the same time that the Capital One data breach occurred, I was reminding clients...