Tagged: CCO relationship to C-Suite

Troubling Trends: The CCO’s Authority, Independence and Access to Resources (Part II of III)

Troubling Trends: The CCO’s Authority, Independence and Access to Resources (Part II of III)

While my first posting highlighted the positive developments in the CCO’s role and professional development, the next two postings present troubling concerns.  We have to recognize that 2020 was a difficult and unusual year for CCOs, given the panoply of risks, the disruption to every organization, and devastating impact of the COVID-19 pandemic.  CCOs were forced into a new environment where health and safety issues,...

The State of Affairs: General Counsels and Chief Compliance Officers

The State of Affairs: General Counsels and Chief Compliance Officers

In the last few years, the tension between chief compliance officers and general counsels appears to have subsided.  The issue of separating CCOs from legal departments is not as important as it used to be.  Why? I would like to think that CCOs have gained independence, authority and line of sight across their organizations.  General counsels have acknowledged the importance of this change and accepted...