Tagged: chief information security officer

A Window into Corporate Boards’ Views for 2023

It is fun to follow all the early year views of trends, predictions and survey results.  The beginning of the year includes lots of perspectives and analyses.  Corporate boards are at the center of these important views.  In a recent survey released by National Association of Corporate Directors, the top trends unsurprisingly referred to economic worries – inflation, a potential recession and continuing business disruptions....

The Convergence of Cybersecurity, Compliance, and Enterprise Risk Management

The Convergence of Cybersecurity, Compliance, and Enterprise Risk Management

When you survey business leaders on significant risks, they invariably cite cybersecurity as number one and anti-corruption as number two.  For global businesses, this makes total sense.  Cyber-crime damage is estimated to hit $6 trillion annually by 2021, according to a study by Cybersecurity Ventures (here).  Information security and prevention are now required to protect a company from serious financial and operational harm. We are...

Cyber Security Compliance: The Role of the CCO

Cyber Security Compliance: The Role of the CCO

For years, cyber security has been the province of IT specialist and technicians. Those days are long gone. If you ask a Board of Directors to identify a company’s most significant risk – cyber security is tops. That is no big surprise. When you consider the consequences of a cyber intrusion or a more likely breach, companies suffer serious reputational and financial harm. Directors, senior...