Tagged: CISO

SEC Sues SolarWinds and its CISO for Fraud Over Botched Data Breach Response, Marking New Era in Cyber Enforcement

SEC Sues SolarWinds and its CISO for Fraud Over Botched Data Breach Response, Marking New Era in Cyber Enforcement

The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission has a message for publicly-traded companies that suffer a data breach: own up. On Monday, the SEC sued Texas-based SolarWinds––and its Chief Information Security Officer (“CISO”)––for defrauding investors by allegedly failing to disclose known security risks in public filings. This marks the SEC’s first ever enforcement action against an individual corporate officer over their mishandling of a data breach––but...

Episode 282 — The Evolving Partnership: Compliance and Cybersecurity

Episode 282 — The Evolving Partnership: Compliance and Cybersecurity

If you ask corporate board members and senior executives to list their number one risk (other than financial operations), the answer in today’s risk environment is clear – cybersecurity and data privacy.  The rapid elevation of this risk is reflected in weekly headlines announcing ransomware, cyber-attacks and data breaches. Companies that have experienced a cyber-attack are forever changed.  The board and senior executive team quickly...

The Cyber Compliance Imperative: Bringing Employees Together with Technology (Part III of IV)

The Cyber Compliance Imperative: Bringing Employees Together with Technology (Part III of IV)

It is easy to get lost in the technology world of cyber security – the information technology business relies on lots of acronyms, techno-speak and function-specific terminology.  In responding to a cyber and data security risk profile, laypersons expect to hear a lot about technology-driven solutions.  In fact, a lot of time is spent reviewing, assessing and selecting specific solutions to incorporate into an overall...

The Evolving Partnership: Compliance and Cybersecurity (Part I of IV)

The Evolving Partnership: Compliance and Cybersecurity (Part I of IV)

If you ask corporate board members and senior executives to list their number one risk (other than financial operations), the answer in today’s risk environment is clear – cybersecurity and data privacy.  The rapid elevation of this risk is reflected in weekly headlines announcing ransomware, cyber-attacks and data breaches.  In NAVEX’s recent State of Compliance Survey, one in three respondents indicated their company had experienced...