Tagged: compliance dashboard

Tracking Ethics and Compliance Program Performance (Part II of II)

Tracking Ethics and Compliance Program Performance (Part II of II)

Chief compliance officers rely on several important sources for feedback — internal data and communications (reviews with board, senior managers, employees); and benchmarking against comparable organizations.  An internal compliance dashboard is an important part of this feedback loop and brings consistency to measurement and trend analysis. Policies and Procedures: Assuming that the organization has adopted a policy management program (often using an automated program), for...

Building a Compliance Dashboard (Part I of II)

Building a Compliance Dashboard (Part I of II)

This is a topic that every compliance professional has to address in one form or another.  Chief compliance officers are so busy that they often cannot even take the time to tackle this difficult issue.  This is a real practical issue of importance.  Just to define terms and the focus of this blog posting — we have to define the issues and purposes of the...