Tagged: Compliance

Announcing Volkov Law TV — Webinars On-Demand

Announcing Volkov Law TV — Webinars On-Demand

Watch What You Want and When You Want It!! Check Out Site Here The Volkov Law Group is pleased to announce the launch of Volkov Law TV, a subscription-based service that provides immediate access to 50 webinars on a variety of enforcement and compliance topics.  New webinars will be added each month — at least 20 new webinars each year. Monthly subscription fee for unlimited...

Washington Politics and Compliance

Consider this posting a warning to everyone in the corporate governance field. I am not known for being a chicken little and screaming “the sky is falling, the sky is falling.” I tend to be a realist when it comes to politics and corporate governance. So with this caveat in mind, here is my warning for the future. With the rise of the Chief Compliance...

Wall Street and Ethics

Wall Street and Ethics

I have to confess that there is a part of me that was skeptical about a new survey released last week finding that banks and other financial institutions have not embraced a culture of integrity.  (Survey Here).   Indeed, the survey found that numerous individuals continue to operate with the idea that illegal or unethical behavior is a necessary part of succeeding in the financial markets....

Diggin’ Your Company’s Culture

Diggin’ Your Company’s Culture

Some things are hard to define and measure in compliance. Culture is the prime example often cited by commentators. I do not share that opinion. Whether it is quantified or not, there is one unmistakable truth – you know when you have a positive culture and you know (but often try to ignore) when your company has a poor culture. When I work with companies...

Risk Assessment: A Natural Partnership for Internal Auditors and CCOs

Risk Assessment: A Natural Partnership for Internal Auditors and CCOs

We all know our favorite things and people who fit together well – milk and cookies, peanut butter and jelly, chips and salsa, Tracy and Hepburn, Martin and Lewis, Abbott and Costello, and many other great combinations. In the corporate compliance world, chief compliance officers and internal auditors are natural allies. They often report to the same board committee, share a common perspective on corporate...