Tagged: contract management system

A Basic Compliance Requirement: A Contract Management System

Assume you are under the influence of a truth serum; does you company have a contract management system? Some will say yes; I suspect most will say no.  My question is why not? Lawyers love contracts.  Most business people see the value of a contract and will comply with a requirement that a deal will require a contract in order to move forward.  But there...

Financial Controls and Contract Management Systems

Financial Controls and Contract Management Systems

Compliance officers understand that a company’s greatest risks surround access to and use of money. A CCO has to understand a company’s financial controls, and in a perfect world, should have a seat at the table in the crafting and enforcement of such controls. A company faces serious harms, enforcement risks and collateral consequences from deficiencies in its financial controls. Sarbanes-Oxley requires public companies to...