Tagged: cooperation

DOJ Rolls Out Voluntary Disclosure Program for US Attorneys’ Offices

The Justice Department is on a marketing campaign – pushing a simple message.  If your company commits misconduct, come in and confess to the Justice Department.  To push this message, DOJ has tinkered with its Corporate Enforcement Policy, and bent over backwards to encourage, cajole and persuade companies to come in and confess to misconduct. The Justice Department consists of various components and, unless you...

A Strategy for Non-Disclosure of FCPA Violations

A Strategy for Non-Disclosure of FCPA Violations

We all understand that issues are not black and white, meaning there are areas of gray when analysis and cost-benefits need to be weighed. Lawyers are regularly identifying legal risks and applying such risks to specific courses of action. Depending on the countervailing considerations, lawyers can recommend moving forward in the face of a specific risk. Much has been written (including on this blog) about...

Campaigning for Self-Reporting and Calculation of Incentives (Part I of II)

Campaigning for Self-Reporting and Calculation of Incentives (Part I of II)

Just to add to the cacophony of voices campaigning during this primary season, DOJ, SEC, FINRA, and CFTC officials launched their own campaign promoting recent initiatives to increase corporate self-reporting of potential violations. After months of announcements, which were preceded by internal wrangling and bureaucratic leaks, DOJ has put in place its new initiative – the Yates memorandum to focus on individual culpability and a...

Compliance 2.0: DOJ Pushes the Compliance Agenda

The FCPA Paparazzi have a thick head and a stubborn chin. They just do not understand the significance of Compliance 2.0 to corporate governance and they blindly adhere to simplistic, yet unexplained, solutions to complex problems – kind of sounds like a presidential candidate we all know. Without getting into politics, which I avoid here on this blog, DOJ’s recent FCPA guidance on voluntary, disclosure,...

DOJ’s New FCPA Enforcement Plan and Guidance (Part I of II)

The Justice Department finally released its long-awaited new FCPA enforcement plan. It took DOJ a little while to come up with this and in the end, like most initiatives, there is a mixed bag for global companies, FCPA practitioners, DOJ prosecutors and law enforcement. Today’s posting analyzes the initiative on prosecution issues, and tomorrow’s post will review the compliance component of the new guidance. DOJ’s...

Webinar: Update to Internal Investigations Best Practices

Webinar: Update to Internal Investigations Best Practices

Webinar: Update to Internal Investigations Best Practices October 13, 2015, 12 Noon EST Sign Up HERE The Justice Department’s recent announcement of a new policy governing individual accountability in corporate internal investigations will have a significant impact in the conduct of internal investigations. Companies will have to provide complete information about all individuals involved in potential misconduct in order to earn any cooperation credit. DOJ’s...