Tagged: corporate board

The Board’s Perspective: Wrapping Your Arms Around Risks

This week I attended the Diligent Elevate annual meeting in Houston, Texas.  For those of you who don’t know Diligent, it is a great event, and you can meet risk and compliance professionals, board members, and lawyers.  Diligent conducted numerous board education sessions at which board members spoke about new and significant risks; these included increased stakeholder expectations and the burdensome review of education and...

Board Director Accountability

We constantly hear about the importance of “accountability,” meaning that organizations and individuals have to be held accountable for misconduct or failures to act.  The focus on accountability is a positive trend, consistent with our ideas of justice and fairness,  Within an organization, accountability is a cornerstone of organizational justice. When demands for accountability reach the board room and individual board members, however, there are...

Webinar: Making Your Board of Directors a Partner in Compliance

Webinar:  Making Your Board of Directors a Partner in Compliance Tuesday, February 20, 2018, 12 Noon EST Sign Up HERE Corporate boards set the tone for a company’s compliance program. Directors are responsible for overseeing and monitoring the company’s compliance program. Yet, corporate boards are not actively fulfilling their responsibilities. Chief compliance officers have to engage the company’s board, educate the board and secure a...

Five Essential Steps to Improve Corporate Board Oversight and Support of Compliance

Corporate boards need to devote more energy to oversight and improvement of corporate culture and compliance. Over the last ten years, we have witnessed corporate scandals and misconduct that could have been prevented or, at least, mitigated by a corporate board’s proper oversight, and management of a company’s culture and compliance program. All too often, corporate boards fail to identify potential red flags of serious...

A Teaching Moment Inside VimpelCom’s Boardroom

The VimpelCom FCPA settlement underscored the importance of Compliance 2.0 and the need to reform board deliberations and governance. No one can read the facts without shaking their heads and asking – what was the VimpelCom board thinking? The VimpelCom board’s failure to act reflects the key driving force inside the corporate boardroom – defense. When a company is not being led by the board...