Tagged: corporate values

Practical Approaches to Managing Culture: Defining the Organization’s Mission (Part I of IV)

The culture bandwagon is picking up steam.  Everyone is citing its organization’s “culture” as the foundation for its activities in the hope of meeting a rapidly evolving standard for organizations.  In its latest corporate compliance guidance, the Justice Department, along with numerous regulatory agencies, continue to cite the importance of a company’s  “culture of compliance.” But when it comes to defining the terms, how to...

Practical Ethics – The New Way to Advance an Ethical Culture

I have always been struck by the “feel good” advocacy and advice from so-called ethics “experts.”  Sure, it is great to talk about moral values, ethical principles, and other high-minded ideas that inspire an audience to embrace the value of an ethical culture.  But that is not really the point of promoting an ethical culture as part of a corporate culture. Let’s start with a...