Tagged: Covered companies

padlock on grey metal cable

The UK Modern Slavery Act: Easy Wins and Practical Compliance (Part II of II)

In Part I, we discussed the basics behind the UK Modern Slavery Act of 2015.  To briefly reiterate, that Act requires any company doing business in the UK with an annual turnover of £36 million or more to publicize their efforts in combatting modern slavery in their respective supply chains through an annual statement.  The Act itself established minimum requirements for these statements, but there...

hanged flags beside building

Compliance With the UK Modern Slavery Act: What It Means for Companies (Part I of II)

If you follow our blog, you’ll notice lately we’ve been writing frequently on topics related to human trafficking and modern slavery.  This is no accident, as new laws and regulations related to this growing area of compliance continue to spring into existence.  Lately, I’ve fielded some inquiries related to the UK Modern Slavery Act of 2015.  While the Act is not necessarily new, there has...