Tagged: Culture assessment

LRN’s Call to Action: 5 Steps Every Company Should Take to Promote an Ethical Culture (Part II of II)

LRN’s  research consistently paints a picture that every board member, senior executive and middle manager should view — corporate culture is an organization’s most valuable intangible asset and is a significant determinant of success in the marketplace. Corporate leaders know how to mouth the words to express their commitment to ethical values, principles and culture.  The disconnect between words and action is easy to spot...

Ask Your Board and Your C-Suite – “How Do You Know We Have an Ethical Culture?”

If you speak to members of a corporate board and the C-Suite and you ask them if the company has a strong ethical culture, we all know what they will say – “Of course, we do.  We have a strong commitment to our Code of Conduct and Doing the Right Thing . . . . [blah blah blah].”  You can listen, nod your head and...