Tagged: declination

Life Sciences Company Escapes Criminal Charges for Employee’s Illegal Export Scheme

Sigma-Aldrich, Inc., d/b/a MilliporeSigma (“MilliporeSigma”), a U.S. life sciences company based in Massachusetts, escaped criminal charges for export control violations, despite a former sales person’s scheme to illegally export products to China.  DOJ cited the favorable resolution as proof of the National Security Division’s commitment to its voluntary disclosure program.  MilliporeSigma was the first company to resolve an investigation for export control violations under DOJ/NSD’s...

Justice Department Declines FCPA Prosecution Against Lifecore Biomedical Under Corporate Enforcement Policy

The Justice Department has brought three corporate FCPA enforcement actions in 2023 (if you include the Ericsson DPA breach settlement).  With its recent announcement of a declination under the Corporate Enforcement Policy, DOJ has declined two FCPA cases and one healthcare fraud case in 2023. DOJ publicizes the declination letters issued in accordance with the Corporate Enforcement Policy.  DOJ officials have made numerous public statements...

Reflections on the Cognizant FCPA Resolution: Does DOJ Mean What it Says? (Part III of IV)

It’s easier to fool people than to convince them they have been fooled. — Mark Twain The only difference between reality and fiction is that fiction needs to be credible. — Mark Twain We live in an era where credibility and truthfulness are character values that are often challenged, questioned and indeed overrun.  Trust and integrity are values of utmost value and importance.  In an...

A Strategy for Non-Disclosure of FCPA Violations

We all understand that issues are not black and white, meaning there are areas of gray when analysis and cost-benefits need to be weighed. Lawyers are regularly identifying legal risks and applying such risks to specific courses of action. Depending on the countervailing considerations, lawyers can recommend moving forward in the face of a specific risk. Much has been written (including on this blog) about...