Tagged: DOJ Compliance Counsel

Justice Department Recalibrates Corporate Monitors and DOJ Compliance Position

Justice Department Recalibrates Corporate Monitors and DOJ Compliance Position

In a recent speech (here), Brian Benczkowski, the Assistant Attorney General for the Criminal Division outlined the Justice Department’s new policy governing imposition of a corporate compliance monitor.  (Here). The Justice Department has faced criticism concerning the circumstances and the manner in which it decides to require a corporate monitor as part of a settlement agreement. Some have suggested that the Justice Department has not...

Webinar: 2016 FCPA Enforcement and Compliance Year in Review — January 10, 2017 12 Noon EST

Webinar: 2016 FCPA Enforcement and Compliance Year in Review — January 10, 2017 12 Noon EST

2016 FCPE Enforcement and Compliance Year in Review January 10, 2017 12 Noon EST Sign Up HERE The Justice Department and the SEC returned a big year in 2016 FCPA enforcement.  In April 2016, DOJ adopted its FCPA Pilot Program to encourage companies to self-disclose FCPA violations and cooperate with government investigations. Despite a slowdown in 2015 and early 2016, DOJ and the SEC brought...

New and Important Compliance Standards in DOJ’s Recent FCPA Guidance (Part II of II)

New and Important Compliance Standards in DOJ’s Recent FCPA Guidance (Part II of II)

The importance of DOJ’s hiring of Hui Chen as Compliance Counsel was recently confirmed by DOJ’s release of new compliance remediation standards for FCPA compliance programs. DOJ has, once again, raised the bar on FCPA compliance programs. Compliance practitioners have a real and significant voice on behalf of the compliance function inside the Justice Department. In adopting a new pilot program for FCPA enforcement and...

Ethics and Compliance Predictions for 2016

Ethics and Compliance Predictions for 2016

The New Year brings new promise for compliance professionals. I always sympathize with compliance officers because of their inevitable conflict – their idealism often is confronted by corporate realities – a CEO who fails to live by his or her promise of support for compliance, or the slow assignment of personnel and resources needed to implement an effective compliance program. When you add to these...

DOJ’s Compliance Counsel & Compliance Expectations

DOJ’s Compliance Counsel & Compliance Expectations

The Justice Department’s hiring of Hui Chen as the new Compliance Counsel is an important development in DOJ’s prosecution of corporate defendants. It is not clear yet what impact Ms. Chen will have. At a recent event at NYU (video here), Andrew Weissmann, the head of the Fraud Section, and Ms. Chen spoke about the new compliance position. The video provides important information. Ms. Chen...