Tagged: DOJ criminal prosecution

Telehealth: A New Opportunity for Fraudsters

Whenever new technologies emerge or new pots of government funds for assistance are available, you can count on one thing (as the sun rises and sets) – fraudsters will figure out a way to steal money from innocent persons and taxpayers.  While everyone has been chasing the cryptocurrency boom, fraudsters have embraced crypto technology to rip off unsuspecting investors with promises of wealth.  For every...

DOJ Resolves Two Important Food Safety Criminal Cases: Blue Bell Creameries and Chipotle Mexican Grill (Part I of II)

In an important set of criminal prosecutions for food safety violations, the Justice Department recently announced resolutions with Blue Bell Creameries and Chipotle Mexican Grill.  While these cases were not related to the COVID-19 pandemic, they are indications of DOJ’s aggressive prosecution for food safety issues and are important reminders of the need for organizations to prioritize health and safety issues.  Corporate boards and senior...