Tagged: DOJ

DOJ’s Compliance Counsel & Compliance Expectations

DOJ’s Compliance Counsel & Compliance Expectations

The Justice Department’s hiring of Hui Chen as the new Compliance Counsel is an important development in DOJ’s prosecution of corporate defendants. It is not clear yet what impact Ms. Chen will have. At a recent event at NYU (video here), Andrew Weissmann, the head of the Fraud Section, and Ms. Chen spoke about the new compliance position. The video provides important information. Ms. Chen...

Tom Fox and Michael Volkov Webinar — December 1, 2015, 2 PM EST:  DOJ Shifts Prosecution Strategy for FCPA Enforcement and Corporate Compliance Programs

Tom Fox and Michael Volkov Webinar — December 1, 2015, 2 PM EST: DOJ Shifts Prosecution Strategy for FCPA Enforcement and Corporate Compliance Programs

I am pleased to announce that Tom Fox, Principal, Advanced Compliance Solutions, and I are conducting a joint webinar on Tuesday, December 1, 2015 at 2 pm EST, on the Justice Department’s shifting FCPA prosecution strategy and compliance program requirements. Please sign up HERE. The Justice Department’s FCPA enforcement program is expected to undergo a significant change in policy focus. Building on the recent adoption...

FCPA Enforcement — Corporate Crime and Punishment

FCPA Enforcement — Corporate Crime and Punishment

The Justice Department’s reexamination of corporate incentives to disclose violations appears to be in reaction to the steady escalation of cooperation requirements. In response to these extra burdens, DOJ could be concerned that FCPA voluntary disclosures will dwindle.  For years, voluntary disclosures have fueled DOJ’s FCPA enforcement program. In the context of a voluntary disclosure program, I have consistently written that DOJ has failed to...

Resetting FCPA Prosecution Policies

Resetting FCPA Prosecution Policies

Recent press reports suggest that the Justice Department is reconsidering its FCPA criminal prosecution policies, particularly with respect to corporate defendants.  As reported, DOJ is considering defining and increasing corporate benefits from voluntary disclosures and cooperation.  This re-evaluation appears to have been triggered by changes in the Criminal Division leadership. DOJ’s recent Yates memorandum imposed new and significant obligations on companies seeking credit for cooperation...

Yates and Outsourcing Government Investigations

Yates and Outsourcing Government Investigations

The Justice Department’s recent Yates memorandum on individual accountability is a significant event. Sure, you can always find members of the FCPA Paparazzi who will discount the memo, or relegate it to a mere “political” statement. That view is unfortunate and ignores the real implications of the Yates memo. Such a viewpoint also shows how little members of the FCPA Paparazzi understand the true inner...

The SEC’s Year of FCPA Enforcement

The SEC’s Year of FCPA Enforcement

Say what you will – the SEC is making its mark this year in FCPA enforcement. So far, the SEC has brought nine separate enforcement actions, the latest with Bristol-Myers Squibb. I am sure we will see more before the end of the year. The SEC’s success reflects the investment they made in a new enforcement structure, the creation of the FCPA Section, and the...

Four Clear Messages from Bristol-Myers Squibb FCPA Enforcement Action

Four Clear Messages from Bristol-Myers Squibb FCPA Enforcement Action

The SEC’s FCPA enforcement action for $14.6 million against Bristol-Myers Squibb (“BMS”) in China provides a textbook example of how things can go wrong in China. For the compliance practitioner (as well as CEO and senior executives) in the pharmaceutical and medical device industries, the BMS enforcement action should be read and digested as a quick checklist of important principles. The facts underlying the BMS...

New E-Book:  Question Everything — Effective Due Diligence and Third-Party Risk Management

New E-Book: Question Everything — Effective Due Diligence and Third-Party Risk Management

I am pleased to announce the release of my new e-book:  Question Everything — Effective Due Diligence and Third-Party Risk Management. With almost every FCPA enforcement action involving third party misconduct in one form or another, shouldn’t companies devote more resources than ever to due diligence and third-party risk management systems? There’s no magic formula to implementing an effective system. It just takes two things:...

Checking In on Sanctions Enforcement

Checking In on Sanctions Enforcement

The Department of Treasury’s Office of Foreign Asset Control continues to ramp up sanctions enforcement. Even with the likely relaxation of the Iran and Cuba sanctions, OFAC has been continuing its aggressive enforcement program. Thus far, OFAC has collected approximately $270 million in civil penalties, and participated in several major criminal investigations, including Commerzbank and Schlumberger. Commerzbank agreed to pay a total of $1.45 billion...

The GM Criminal Settlement — Disappointing

The GM Criminal Settlement — Disappointing

The Justice Department has to do something about its timing – and more importantly, they need to reexamine exactly what they did (and are doing) with the criminal prosecution of GM. If you want a perfect example of talking out of both sides of your mouth, the last two weeks put the focus right on the leadership of the Justice Department.  The picture is not...