Tagged: effective ethics and compliance program

Getting Back to Basics:  CCOs and Independence

Getting Back to Basics: CCOs and Independence

Chief compliance officers continue to enjoy these heady days – salaries are up and new opportunities are popping up in the corporate world. CCOs have to keep their eye on the ball. It is well and good to get a good salary, a nice office, and a title, but there is an important requirement that cannot be overlooked – independence. The trend over the last...

Fixing a Sour Corporate Culture: Valeant Pharmaceuticals Faces an Uphill Challenge

Like the Greek mythology character Sisyphus, Valeant Pharmaceutical is attempting to atone for its sins and turn its corporate culture around. I am not usually a cynic but when I see these transparent attempts to reverse a company’s culture, I have a degree of suspicion. In recent weeks, Valeant took the following steps: Hired a new CEO Joseph Papa Removed five directors from its board...

CCOs: Living in the Land of False Promises

CCOs: Living in the Land of False Promises

We all have heard the scenario involving a compliance professional. A new CCO joins a company with promises from the board, the CEO and senior executives of cooperation, compensation and support for a robust independent compliance function. The new CCO arrives with an idealistic spirit only to discover that he or she has been misled. Sure, the CCO has a title, and a nice salary,...

Your Company’s Compliance Program is Finished – April Fools

Your Company’s Compliance Program is Finished – April Fools

Happy April Fool’s Day! Could you ever imagine coming to work one day and realizing that you have “finished” your ethics and compliance program? There is nothing left to do. You can go home. Ohhhh, if only it was so. We all know the truth – a compliance program is never finished, never completed and there is always something to do. This gets us back...

Practical Management of Your Company’s Culture

Practical Management of Your Company’s Culture

I attended the SCCE’s recent Utilities and Energy Compliance conference in Houston. It is always a great meeting with terrific speakers and content. I was fortunate to attend a session, Taking the Pulse of Corporate Culture, presented by Amy Lilly from CenterPoint Energy and Steve Helm from NAVEX Global. A copy of the slides is here. Their presentation focused on how to build tools to...

Webinar: Top 10 Challenges to Implementing an Effective Ethics and Compliance Program

Webinar: Top 10 Challenges to Implementing an Effective Ethics and Compliance Program

March 29, 2016, 12 Noon EST Sign Up HERE Chief compliance officers face a number of important challenges when designing and implementing an effective ethics and compliance program. In order to succeed, CCOs have to overcome these challenges, focus on real and attainable objectives, and enlist the support of key stakeholders. Join Michael Volkov, CEO of The Volkov Law Group, as he discusses the top...

A Teaching Moment Inside VimpelCom’s Boardroom

A Teaching Moment Inside VimpelCom’s Boardroom

The VimpelCom FCPA settlement underscored the importance of Compliance 2.0 and the need to reform board deliberations and governance. No one can read the facts without shaking their heads and asking – what was the VimpelCom board thinking? The VimpelCom board’s failure to act reflects the key driving force inside the corporate boardroom – defense. When a company is not being led by the board...

PTC Settlement: Compliance Reminders for Internal Controls, Travel and Gifts

PTC Settlement: Compliance Reminders for Internal Controls, Travel and Gifts

PTC, a Massachusetts software company, reached settlements with the SEC and DOJ last week for FCPA violations for a total of $28 million. Interestingly, the SEC announced a DPA with a PTC official who assisted in the investigation. DOJ also reappeared on the FCPA enforcement radar with a non-prosecution agreement and collection of a $14 million fine. The SEC reached a $14 million settlement with...

Writing Effective and Clear Compliance Policies

Writing Effective and Clear Compliance Policies

In the press of compliance priorities, chief compliance officers have to prioritize what is important and what is not. In some respects, the task of a CCO is a continuous loop of prioritizing tasks. CCOs know that the job is never done – once a set of tasks is done, there is always a new list of tasks that need to be prioritized. One of...

Embedding the Compliance Message in Middle Management

Embedding the Compliance Message in Middle Management

Chief compliance officers and senior executives wrestle with strategies to spread and embed important compliance messages. A CEO and senior executives can spread a compliance message but they are always battling competing priorities in the overall direction and operation of the company. Nonetheless, we all have seen senior managers who are dedicated to promoting a compliance program, particularly in these days of aggressive enforcement. CCOs...