Tagged: Embraer

Justice Department Closes Out 2017 with 2 FCPA Actions: Keppel Offshore and Marine and Embraer Individual

Justice Department Closes Out 2017 with 2 FCPA Actions: Keppel Offshore and Marine and Embraer Individual

The Department of Justice finished 2017 with two significant FCPA enforcement actions, and fittingly, one was a corporate settlement and another was an individual criminal guilty plea.  The Justice Department’s final FCPA enforcement actions for 2017 included an interesting settlement with Keppel Offshore and Marine Ltd. (KOM), a Singapore based, global shipyard and repair company, and a criminal guilty plea from a sales executive involved...

Badda Bing, Badda Boom!! — DOJ and SEC Make 2016 a Record Year for FCPA Enforcement (Part I of III)

Badda Bing, Badda Boom!! — DOJ and SEC Make 2016 a Record Year for FCPA Enforcement (Part I of III)

We begin the New Year with a three-part series on the FCPA: (1) A review of FCPA enforcement in 2016; (2) Trends from 2016 FCPA enforcement; and (3) Predictions for FCPA enforcement in 2017. From the narrow perspective of FCPA enforcement, the Justice Department and the SEC have demonstrated yet again the maturation of their respective aggressive FCPA enforcement programs. As in 2014 (but not...