Tagged: employee hiring

HR and Compliance: Working Together to Hire Ethical Employees

HR and Compliance: Working Together to Hire Ethical Employees

Human resources and compliance professionals share many common objectives and interests. They need to coordinate and operationalize their joint interests in a variety of ways. One area that demands more focus is the hiring of ethical employees. The ISO 37001 Anti-Bribery Management System includes important requirements for the hiring (or transfer) of employees to functions that involve bribery risks. So much attention has been paid...

ISO 37001: Risk Assessments, Employees, and Due Diligence Requirements (Part IV of V)

ISO 37001: Risk Assessments, Employees, and Due Diligence Requirements (Part IV of V)

In Part IV of my series on ISO 37001, I examine requirements relating to risk assessments, design of policies and procedures, and due diligence requirements. Section 4.5 sets out requirements for conducting risk assessments. ISO 37001 requires companies to conduct regular risk assessments in order to identify the bribery risks the company might reasonably anticipate; analyze, assess and prioritize the identified bribery risks; and evaluate...