Tagged: employee reporting

NAVEX Annual Hotline and Incident Report: A Mixed Bag of Reporting Trends

NAVEX Annual Hotline and Incident Report: A Mixed Bag of Reporting Trends

NAVEX recently released its annual Hotline and Incident Management Report.  Given NAVEX’s strong position in the hotline service market, NAVEX has access to a large volume of reporting data.  As a result, its annual report is always interesting and a must-read ethics and compliance report. NAVEX’s report revealed several important trends: A larger number of employees are willing to report misconduct.  Overt the last ten...

NAVEX Global Incident Management Study Confirms Impact of COVID-19 on Employee Reporting

NAVEX Global Incident Management Study Confirms Impact of COVID-19 on Employee Reporting

NAVEX Global produces a number of important compliance program reports.  NAVEX Global always has played an important thought-leadership role in the ethics and compliance field. NAVEX Global’s annual Incident Management Benchmark Report provides important data on employee engagement and reporting.  A copy of the Report can be downloaded here. The Report is based on NAVEX Global’s massive incident reporting database connected to its hotline reporting...

Ensuring Employee Reporting in the New COVID-19 Pandemic Era

Ensuring Employee Reporting in the New COVID-19 Pandemic Era

If there ever was a time that companies need to promote and encourage employee reporting, the time is now.  By employee reporting, I do not mean to single out hotline reporting – certainly that is one of many avenues to report concerns. In this era of fear and worry, companies need to recognize that their respective workforces are suffering from trauma (possible loss of family...

Antitrust Compliance Programs: Training and Speak Up and Reporting Systems (Part III of III)

Antitrust Compliance Programs: Training and Speak Up and Reporting Systems (Part III of III)

Many global companies are behind the eight-ball (translation, slow to implement) effective antitrust compliance programs.  A small number of companies, some of which have suffered antitrust enforcement actions or operate in high-risk industries, have implemented innovative antitrust compliance programs.  These programs stand out in the compliance landscape. An effective antitrust compliance program typically includes robust training programs, well beyond dry in-person or webinar-based recitations of...

ECI’s New Business Ethics Survey Confirms Misconduct Rates Declining — But Retaliation Rates Increasing

ECI’s New Business Ethics Survey Confirms Misconduct Rates Declining — But Retaliation Rates Increasing

The Ethics and Compliance Initiative recently released the results of its global business ethics survey.  (Download Copy Here).  The last survey was conducted in 2017 and ECI’s survey provides important and valuable insights into corporate metrics and compliance, focusing on misconduct issues. The survey was conducted in late 2016 and 2017.  Thirteen countries were selected: Brazil, China, France, Germany, India, Italy, Japan, Mexico, Russia, South...

5 Telltale Signs of a Weak Corporate Culture

5 Telltale Signs of a Weak Corporate Culture

We all know it when we see it – a company with a weak corporate culture of ethics and compliance. Many companies claim they have an ethical culture but few really do. With increasing emphasis and understanding of the tangible benefits of an ethical culture, companies are striving to achieve such a goal. Unfortunately, there is no single solution to companies that want to establish...