Tagged: employees

Privacy and Employee Issues During the New COVID-19 Pandemic Era

Privacy and Employee Issues During the New COVID-19 Pandemic Era

The global pandemic has created unique risks for handling employees’ exposure to, or positive testing for, COVID-19.  To ensure a safe workplace, companies have to address delicate issues surrounding employee safety.  The United States does not have a federal privacy law to address this specific situation (unlike Europe and Canada) and the treatment of employees personal information.  Interestingly, the HIPAA laws do not cover employers...

Episode 134: COVID-19 (Part II) — Business Response to Pandemic

Episode 134: COVID-19 (Part II) — Business Response to Pandemic

COVID-19 has had a devastating impact.  The public health crisis has caused tragic human loss and is overwhelming the United States healthcare system.  Businesses have suffered along with the public. Business face real challenges managing the crisis, their respective supply chains and employees. In the second part of a two-part series, Mike Volkov reviews important business responses and strategies for coping with the pandemic.