Tagged: ESG business practices

Before Moving on to ESG, Fix Your Speak Up Culture!!

Ethics and compliance has to stand strong when new trends suddenly spring up. Organizations are always ready to embrace the new-fangled shiny object – in this case ESG.  Not to be a nattering nabob of negativism (see Spiro Agnew’s comment in 1966 crafted by William Safire), but organizations have to take a deep breath and renew a review of its ethics and compliance program fundamentals. ...

Integrating ESG into Your Business

It is easy to get lost in ESG.  Focus is the key.  Leadership has to define the ESG strategy.  A designated officer has to lead implementation.   The ESG bucket can carry a variety of causes, issues and priorities.  Leadership has to sift through these individual items and commit to action.  The ESG program now has to be implemented. A first step is to identify opportunities...