Tagged: export controls

An Aggressive Export Control Enforcement Program: The Department of Commerce’s Bureau of Industry and Security

An Aggressive Export Control Enforcement Program: The Department of Commerce’s Bureau of Industry and Security

My old adage – when it comes to enforcement initiatives, the government always tells you what they are going to do and then they do it.  It is always baffles me when targets of enforcement actions complain that they did not know the government was going to launch an investigation or enforce the law in a particular manner.  The Justice Department is fairly transparent in...

Videoconferencing and Export Controls

Videoconferencing and Export Controls

Janet Longo, Regulatory Compliance Analyst at The Volkov Law Group, joins us for a posting on videoconferencing and compliance export controls. Janet can be reached at [email protected]. As the Covid-19 virus is proliferating, so is the practice of conducting business through videoconferencing from home. While many commentators have discussed the serious data privacy and security problems associated with video conferencing, we’ve been thinking about the...

Merging Trade Compliance and Ethics and Compliance Silos

Merging Trade Compliance and Ethics and Compliance Silos

Business operations can be riddled with inefficiencies.  It is easy to spot them inside a company.  The same rule applies to ethics and compliance programs.  Given a specific global business configuration, ethics and compliance programs have to be designed efficiently to support the business.  For some reason, a number of compliance programs have been built with two separate silos – one for trade compliance and...