Tagged: FCPA Corporate Enforcement Policy

FCPA Enforcement Actions: “O DOJ, SEC, Wherefore Art Thou, DOJ & SEC?”

FCPA Enforcement Actions: “O DOJ, SEC, Wherefore Art Thou, DOJ & SEC?”

FCPA practitioners, In-house counsel and compliance officers, and yes, even the FCPA Paparazzi, have been patient enough. As the saying goes, talk is cheap.  It is action that counts. We have written often enough about the coming storm – the Biden Administration’s long-anticipated ramp up of white collar enforcement, and FCPA actions in particular.  The groundwork was set – the National Security Memorandum raising the...

The Curious Absence of Corporate Monitors

The Curious Absence of Corporate Monitors

In 2020, the Justice Department did not insist on the appointment of any independent compliance monitors.  The year before, in 2019, DOJ insisted on the appointment of three independent corporate monitors – MTS Telecommunications, Fresenius and Wal-Mart.  If you ask me to distinguish between these cases and Goldman Sachs, Novartis or Herbalife, I would be hard pressed to provide a cogent explanation.  Granted, we are...

Revised FCPA Guidance: Legal Issues and Clarifications (Part IV of V)

Revised FCPA Guidance: Legal Issues and Clarifications (Part IV of V)

FCPA practitioners often debate whether the FCPA is “clear” or “ambiguous.”  Like all important issues in life (assuming this is important), the answer really depends on the specific language.  Congress’ ability to write clear and concise statutes varies across the lot, and the FCPA includes provisions that are clear and some that, depending on the situation, may not be.  The Revised FCPA Guidance addresses a...

Revised FCPA Guidance: Updated DOJ Policies (Part III of V)

Revised FCPA Guidance: Updated DOJ Policies (Part III of V)

The Justice Department has continued at a steady rate to tweak relevant policies applicable to FCPA enforcement.  The Revised FCPA Guidance has incorporated these policies. FCPA Corporate Enforcement Policy and Declinations (pp. 51-54) The FCPA Corporate Enforcement Policy is quickly becoming “a well-established” framework.  DOJ has expanded it to cover all corporate criminal resolutions except for criminal antitrust violations. The FCPA Corporate Enforcement Policy (“CEP”)...

Novartis and Alcon Settle FCPA Violations for $345 Million (Part I of III)

Novartis and Alcon Settle FCPA Violations for $345 Million (Part I of III)

Even during this difficult time of the pandemic, economic uncertainty and social unrest, the Justice Department and the SEC have concluded a major FCPA enforcement action.  Novartis and Alcon (which was a Novartis subsidiary at the time of the misconduct) agreed to pay a total of $345 million in criminal and civil penalties.  Novartis spun off Alcon in 2019. Under the DOJ settlement, Novartis and...

Episode 121: 2019 — FCPA Year in Review

The Justice Department and the SEC had a record year in FCPA enforcement — the largest amount of penalties against corporate defendants and the most individuals charged in one year.  DOJ also adopted new guidance on corporate compliance programs.   The Justice Department’s enforcement year included several major prosecutions, including Ericsson, Walmart, Fresenius Medical and Cognizant Technology. In this Episode, Michael Volkov reviews 2019 FCPA enforcement...

DOJ Tweaks FCPA Corporate Enforcement Policy

DOJ Tweaks FCPA Corporate Enforcement Policy

The Department of Justice recently announced updates to its Foreign Corrupt Practices Act Corporate Enforcement Policy. While the changes were relatively minor, the modifications underscored important principles surrounding the FCPA Corporate Enforcement Policy.  There is no question that DOJ has landed on a Corporate Enforcement Policy that took years to develop.  The FCPA Corporate Enforcement Policy now applies to all corporate criminal prosecutions except Antirust...

DOJ “Tweaks” FCPA Corporate Enforcement Policy

DOJ “Tweaks” FCPA Corporate Enforcement Policy

The Justice Department is wedded to its FCPA Corporate Enforcement Policy (excuse me for the use of “wedded,” we recently celebrated our son’s wedding).  Nonetheless, DOJ has to adjust its Policy in response to experience and feedback.  That is a good thing and one that helps to ensure that the Policy is predictable and consistent in its application. I am convinced that the FCPA Corporate...

Episode 82 — A Deep Dive into the Cognizant Technology FCPA Enforcement Action

In the first corporate FCPA action of 2019, Cognizant Technology Solutions Company settled its long-running FCPA case, agreeing to pay the SEC $25 million.  At the same time, the Justice Department announced: (1) its’ declination under the FCPA Corporate Enforcement Policy; and (2) the indictment of Cognizant’s former President and General Counsel for criminal FCPA violations. In this Episode, Michael Volkov discusses the Cognizant FCPA...

Reflections on the Cognizant FCPA Resolution: Does DOJ Mean What it Says?  (Part III of IV)

Reflections on the Cognizant FCPA Resolution: Does DOJ Mean What it Says? (Part III of IV)

It’s easier to fool people than to convince them they have been fooled. — Mark Twain The only difference between reality and fiction is that fiction needs to be credible. — Mark Twain We live in an era where credibility and truthfulness are character values that are often challenged, questioned and indeed overrun.  Trust and integrity are values of utmost value and importance.  In an...