Tagged: FCPA Pilot Program

Aggressive Remediation:  Embraer and JP Morgan

Aggressive Remediation: Embraer and JP Morgan

There is no question that the Justice Department has raised compliance program expectations in a number of areas. Whatever you may think about the efficacy or fairness of the FCPA Pilot Program, the Justice Department has committed itself to increasing transparency. That is a very good thing. If you go back and review FCPA settlement actions from years ago, you will not find any structured...

AAG Caldwell Touts Success of FCPA Enforcement and Pilot Program

AAG Caldwell Touts Success of FCPA Enforcement and Pilot Program

In a speech last week, Criminal Division Assistant Attorney General Leslie Caldwell touted the success of the FCPA Pilot Program. Her speech is available here. AAG Caldwell outlined the success of the FCPA enforcement program, listing many of the most significant enforcement actions, including the recent Och-Ziff and Embraer resolutions. Since 2009, the Justice Department has resolved criminal cases with approximately 65 companies, resulting in...

Double Play, Double Declinations: DOJ Pushes FCPA Pilot Program Benefits

Double Play, Double Declinations: DOJ Pushes FCPA Pilot Program Benefits

DOJ’s FCPA Pilot Program was panned when it was announced in April 2016. Critics contended that the incentive for voluntary disclosure of FCPA violations to DOJ was inadequate. Under the FCPA Pilot Program, a company can earn up to a 50 percent reduction from the bottom of the applicable range for calculation of a criminal fine. DOJ also noted the possibility of a declination with...

Yates, Whistleblowers and FCPA Pilot Project: Re-Examining Your Internal investigation Protocols

Yates, Whistleblowers and FCPA Pilot Project: Re-Examining Your Internal investigation Protocols

Companies face an ever-changing constellation of risks, enforcement priorities and demands for internal controls and compliance program elements. As more resources are poured into government enforcement programs, companies have to “reinvent” compliance programs to incorporate new priorities and demands. Many companies have established complaint systems and internal investigation programs to conduct routine and serious investigation. In most cases, these systems do not adequately address whistleblower...

Akamai and Nortek – DOJ Touts Declinations Under FCPA Pilot Program

Akamai and Nortek – DOJ Touts Declinations Under FCPA Pilot Program

DOJ’s FCPA Unit knows what they are doing. In the immediate weeks after the release of the FCPA Pilot Program, DOJ publicly released two declination letters for Akamai Technologies and Nortek, Inc. and the SEC announced disgorgement settlements of $671 thousand and $321 thousand, respectively. These two actions, however, will not solve DOJ’s bigger problem – the FCPA Pilot Program needed to offer a bigger...