Tagged: FCPA

Analogic FCPA Settlement – From Russia With(out) Love

Analogic FCPA Settlement – From Russia With(out) Love

Analogic Corp. and its Danish subsidiary, BK Medical ApS,  settled an FCPA enforcement action last week with the Justice Department and the SEC for approximately $14 million. Analogic agreed to pay $3.4 million to the Justice Department as part of a non-prosecution agreement (NPA), and paid the SEC approximately $11.4 million in disgorgement and interest. Lars Frost, a former CFO at BK Medical, settled an...

A Fair Assessment of the Impact of the Yates Memorandum

A Fair Assessment of the Impact of the Yates Memorandum

Never argue with stupid people, they will drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience. – Mark Twain If only Mark Twain were alive today, he would have many opportunities to articulate his wisdom, especially when it comes to politicians. Not to say that the compliance field is as important as politics (or would have been a good target), but I...

Do Former Prosecutors Make Good CCOs?

Do Former Prosecutors Make Good CCOs?

A number of companies have adopted the requirement that a new Chief Compliance Office come from the ranks of former federal prosecutors. I am not sure exactly why companies have adopted this requirement. Perhaps company leaders think this will give the company an advantage when dealing with the Justice Department or the SEC. With full disclosure here, I admit my bias in favor of federal...

Global Standardization of Enforcement

Global Standardization of Enforcement

Maybe I am a Luddite; maybe I just do not understand the new world and the impact of globalization. New ideas do not scare me, like others we know. New ideas present real opportunities for progress and innovation. I understand the impact that globalization has had on our economy, our society and our country. There are many positive benefits that flow from this incredible transformation...

Corruption Risks and Corporate Social Responsibility Spending

Corruption Risks and Corporate Social Responsibility Spending

Global companies have been embracing socially responsible spending projects to build stronger relationships with local communities. The idea makes a lot of sense and real projects can result in real benefits. As with any significant source of money, there are risks. Major global companies have been caught in some embarrassing situations, some of which can have real legal and reputational consequences. Think of the irony...

The Evolving Due Diligence Standards and Beneficial Ownership

The Evolving Due Diligence Standards and Beneficial Ownership

In case you are not following all the latest scandals – Unaoil and the Panama Papers being two significant ones – we are seeing an evolution and possibly a revolution in due diligence expectations. No matter what context or what your specific concern may be, the need for every compliance department to identify the beneficial owners of joint venture partners, third party intermediaries, distributors, agents...

Private Equity and the Och-Ziff Enforcement Action

Private Equity and the Och-Ziff Enforcement Action

Since 2010, the Justice Department and the SEC have been “investigating” a number of private equity and hedge funds for FCPA violations. The launch of the inquiries was a big deal with lots of fanfare and focus on private equity corruption risks. In time, nothing happened. Well, that is about to change. DOJ and the SEC are getting close to announcing a large settlement with...

Creating a Real Incentive for Self-Reporting FCPA Violations (Part II of II)

Creating a Real Incentive for Self-Reporting FCPA Violations (Part II of II)

Let’s start with a big “If.” I know that sounds like a real turn off but bear with me. Assuming that the Justice Department is ready to turn over a new approach to criminal enforcement and aggressively prosecute culpable individuals in white collar crime investigations, would it be a good idea to offer a pass, or leniency to the company if the company self-reports the...

The DOJ’s Self-Disclosure Program Is Not Even Half the Story

The DOJ’s Self-Disclosure Program Is Not Even Half the Story

Lauren Connell, Managing Associate at The Volkov Law Group, joins us again for a posting on DOJ’s recent FCPA guidance announcement.  Lauren can be reached at [email protected].  Her bio is here.   Lots of people are talking about the DOJ’s new self-disclosure pilot program, but it was only the last of three steps announced in the DOJ’s Fraud Section FCPA Enforcement Plan and Guidance. One...

Webinar: How to Conduct FCPA Audits

How to Conduct FCPA Audits   May 4, 2016, 12 Noon EST Sign Up Here  As companies implement anti-corruption compliance programs, the need for auditing and monitoring of their compliance programs increases. Companies have to structure an audit program to address significant risks and to identify potential weaknesses and problems. Mitigating those deficiencies can be a real challenge. Join Michael Volkov, CEO of The Volkov...