Tagged: generative AI

Embracing Generative AI — The Current Risk Profile (Part II of II)

When evaluating AI risks, legal, ethics and compliance professionals need to divide the question into two — first, what are risks from legal, ethics and compliance internal use of AI? and second, what are business risks from employing AI capabilities in specific functions and use cases? Sometimes ethics and compliance professionals are surprised to learn that certain functions — finance, security, HR or others —...

The New Era of Compliance — AI, Data and Information Governance (Part I of II)

Not to sound like a broken record — but we are consistently asking the compliance community the same question. As far back as March 2013, on this very blog, I wrote a posting — The Future of Compliance — What Will the New Tools Look Like? To avoid being trite, but technology is moving so fast with blockchain, artificial intelligence and data analytics, we have...