Tagged: governance

The VW Scandal: Insular Senior Management and Ethical Breakdowns

The Volkswagen scandal will be studied for years. One of many themes from the Volkswagen scandal will rest on the complete absence of any commitment to corporate governance. Volkswagen’s weird corporate structure (it is owned in large part by  a family) and labor and government interests resulted in a mish-mosh of influences that permitted the family to exercise almost unbridled control over corporate functions, leaving...

Refining a CCO’s Reporting Relationship to a Corporate Board

Refining a CCO’s Reporting Relationship to a Corporate Board

You can observe a lot by just watching – Yogi Berra There is way too much time being spent on esoteric arguments about corporate board reporting responsibilities for Chief Compliance Officers. Let’s agree and move on to more important and difficult issues. I hate to be dogmatic but when it comes to this issue, there really is one obvious solution. Varying alternatives are less than...

The Dangerous “Cult” of CEO Rock Stars

The Dangerous “Cult” of CEO Rock Stars

Everyone needs a hero, someone they can look up to and admire, and project feelings of positive personality. The world’s history is replete with “great” leaders who instilled in people a feeling of connection, commitment and admiration. History also tells us that the “leadership dynamic” can also be used for negative purposes. We all have our list of horrible and evil “leaders” who led countries...