Tagged: Health and Safety

Corporate Culture: Health and Safety (Part II of II)

Corporate Culture: Health and Safety (Part II of II)

Companies face a daunting challenge to reassure and regain trust and integrity with employees.  CEOs should view the current situation as an opportunity to improve a company’s culture by building on the company’s trust and integrity values. Aside from basic economic questions, companies have to ensure that employee health and safety are assured.  In this pandemic era and with the spread of disinformation by politicians,...

Health and Safety in the New COVID-19 Pandemic Era

Health and Safety in the New COVID-19 Pandemic Era

Let’s face it – we have all suffered (and are continuing to suffer) through an extraordinary time.  I know this is just another profound grasp of the obvious but the world is slowly recovering but with lots of changes and the continuing threat of a “relapse” or recurrence of the pandemic.  Our economy has been devastated and economic growth will occur slowly. We face significant...