Tagged: incident management

NAVEX Annual Hotline and Incident Report: A Mixed Bag of Reporting Trends

NAVEX recently released its annual Hotline and Incident Management Report.  Given NAVEX’s strong position in the hotline service market, NAVEX has access to a large volume of reporting data.  As a result, its annual report is always interesting and a must-read ethics and compliance report. NAVEX’s report revealed several important trends: A larger number of employees are willing to report misconduct.  Overt the last ten...

Incident Management – The New Frontier

Incident Management – The New Frontier

Compliance programs are required to create and manage case investigation systems to handle potential misconduct, investigate allegations of wrongdoing and then dispense discipline. Lessons learned from these investigations are valuable sources of information to improve compliance programs. Chief compliance officers play a critical role – either supervising the internal investigation system or coordinating with other functions in the organization to monitor internal investigations. Along the...

Never Underestimate – Your Company’s Hotline(s)

Never Underestimate – Your Company’s Hotline(s)

Every company has put in place a reporting hotline – whether a telephone number and/or website, companies offer employees an avenue to raise a concern. Employees will report concerns, but they have to trust the reporting system to be responsive. When you ask compliance professionals and others who monitor the reporting system if it is valuable, you hear the common statistic – 80 percent of...